Faith’s desire to influence her kids by getting them involved in an outreach program, lead her and her husband, Anton, to our Msholozi Kids & Youth Club.
When Faith was in Cape Town, she drew inspiration from the late Fiona Sutton*, who was very much involved in community outreach, providing opportunities for youth from low socio-economic communities to be exposed to the arts. She was a huge influence and touched so many lives, even seeing some of the youths excel beyond the borders of South Africa, competing internationally on a professional level.
Although success is not Faith’s main focus, she feels that it’s nice to bring exposure to something different in our Msholozi community, teaching ballet classes at the club once per week. The kids have loads of fun, while she helps them develop, by embracing the therapeutic benefits of dance, building self-esteem, confidence, creativity and self-discipline.
While accompanying Faith to the club, Anton noticed some youth sitting around, and asked them if they wanted to learn computer programming. He created video’s for them to watch and was so encouraged by the hunger of one particular boy to learn more, that he purchased an online training course for the boys to learn at the centre. He believes that visiting the centre was an act of obedience to God, with a focus on empowering the youth and reminding them to remember where they came from, and to continue ploughing into their community, once they have gained knowledge and success.
* Faith credits the late Fiona Sutton for her inspiration. An English former ballerina, who danced out her stage career with Cape Town City Ballet and settled in South Africa. She devoted the remainder of her life to empowering disadvantaged black South African children through dance. She lost the battle to cancer in September 2017, but has inspired many. She is fondly remembered with love.
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